All fleets require maximum vehicle operational availability, so we have taken the emergency services detachable battery hybrid concept and re-imagined this for a first/last mile delivery application. This version removes the top box from the WMC300FR, opening that area up for cargo and places 4No. 12Ah detachable batteries into the panniers (2No. in each one). This is a further demonstration of the V-Duct and an enhancement on the current hybrid. We are working towards the creation of an initial working prototype by the end of September 2023, with a view to delivering a pilot fleet in April 2024.
The development of the initial prototype is being supported by a grant from the 2022 Transport Research and Innovation Grants (TRIG) programme, which is delivered by Connected Places Catapult on behalf of the Department for Transport (DfT), United Kingdom. This will be delivered by the end of September 2023, with a pilot fleet to follow in first half of 2024.
“This development is great for the diversification of our product offering and demonstrates our V-Duct technology in another market sector. Like the emergency services, fleets require as much operational up time as possible and this is a challenge for a number of applications within the first/last mile delivery market. This hybrid is a development on from our 2 battery version in the police and provides companies with an electric power source that will last twice as long.” Robert White Founder and CEO of White Motorcycle Concepts