Throughout December, Northamptonshire Police used the WMC300FR to assist them with Operation Lapland, their high visibility patrols through the county’s town centres. The aim of this seasonal operation is to tackle rising crime including shoplifting and to reassure traders and shoppers in the run up to Christmas.
The feedback from traders was very positive and overall, they felt that the visibility of the police officers created a deterrent for shoplifters.
Corby Neighbourhood Policing Inspector, Paul Cash, said: “The team worked hard to send a clear message to criminals that their offending would not be tolerated, and the busy Christmas period did not mean they would go unnoticed.”
“We know how important it is to the public to see police officers on patrol, and I am pleased we were able to provide this reassurance through our increased patrols and engagement with both the public and the retail community.”
“It is fantastic that the WMC300FR was able to play a significant role in Operation Lapland over the festive period. The motorcycle is very noticeable and so having officers on them in busy shopping areas certainly seems to discourage shoplifting” – Rob White, Founder and CEO of White Motorcycle Concepts.