We put a great deal of work into the launching our concept to the World and have a lot of people to thank for making it such a high quality launch. We were hoping to do this in person at Silverstone, but COVID regulations did not allow. This meant that we focussed all of our effort onto a virtual launch and have been blown away by the coverage that we have received.
“It is incredible to think what we have achieved in 2 years, from an initial sketch through to a running prototype of the concept that has the potential to set an Electric land speed record. The launch was featured in over 150 publications in every continent in prestigious titles beyond the motorcycle press from Forbes to Top Gear, Engadget to Hypebeast. I am especially proud to be featured in The Engineer. This is fantastic but we are excited about what more 2021 will bring as we continue our testing programme” Robert White Founder and CEO of White Motorcycle Concepts.
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