A date is now set for the public launch of the first major innovation from White Motorcycle Concepts. It has been 5 years in the making from the first initial pencil sketch and 2 years of extremely hard work to get to this stage. With the Government on track to allowing a physical launch after the 21 June 2021 we can now announce that the date of the Launch is the 23 June 2021. We will be building up to this event through our social media channels so please follow or subscribe to all of these (links below).
“We are delighted to be able to announce that we will be launching our concept to the World on the 23 June 2021. We have been very lucky to secure a World Class Venue for the launch and are excited about releasing the concept into the public domain. This is the culmination of over 2 years extremely hard work and I am really excited to finally be able to share the concept with the World” Robert White Founder and CEO of White Motorcycle Concepts.
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